JC-2015-DH5 (May)

-Contains a monthly selection of articles from the top medical and dermatology journals. (Prof. JH Saurat M.D.)
-To view the abstracts, please click on the link at the top of the 1st post. This redirects you to the journal of the matching issue.

JC-2015-DH5 (May)

Postby CFH » Sun May 10, 2015 9:24 pm

Page 4: http://dermatologicahelvetica.com/en/ar ... clesID=115

1. Nerves promote basal cell carcinomas / Le rôle des nerfs dans le développement des carcinomes basocellulaires atteinte perinerveuse activation nerfs basocellulaire

2. How ciproxin degranulates mast cells / Réactions médicamenteuses: comment la ciproxine provoque la dégranulation des mastocyte. (ou le rôle du récepteur Mrgprb2) braun

3. Hand eczema proteome confirms barrier defect / Le protéome (ensemble des protéines exprimées dans une cellule) confirme que la barrière cutanée est déficiente.

4. When will you have a subsequent keratinocyte carcinoma ? / Quand aurez vous le prochain carcinome ? (NMSC "non melanoma skin cancer)

5. Dermoscopy of naevi meets genetics / Comment la génétique individualise le phénotype des névis mélanocytaires.

6. 400 body sites screened for bacteria and chemicals. Cosmetic ingredients first line / Bienvenue sur la planète peau !
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Skin Surface Properties & the interplay with the Environment

Postby CFH » Tue May 12, 2015 3:49 pm

6. 400 body sites screened for bacteria and chemicals. Cosmetic ingredients first line / Bienvenue sur la planète peau !

Page 6: http://dermatologicahelvetica.com/fr/ar ... clesID=115

Molecular cartography of the human skin surface in 3D. A. Bouslimani, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Apr 28;112(17):E2120-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1424409112. Epub 2015 Mar 30. Full free article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4418856/

In this article the authors sought to evaluate the biochemical properties of the skin by performing swabs on 400 sites (of 2 volunteers):
-One swab was used to define the microbiome of the germs present (16S ribosomal RNA amplicon analysis)
-One swab was used to check the skin composition: metabolite, lipid, and protein composition (mass spectrometry (MS))

A huge number of data was gathered but the authors:
-managed to determine the origin of the skin composition: environmental (cosmetics...), microbial, or cutaneous
-as well as the expected 3d organization of the molecules and germs bacteria which were present.

-The properties varied vastly between the areas sampled and between the 2 volunteers.
-8% of chemical substances were cosmetics or beauty products. They were present despite the subjects having washed thoroughly 3 days before.

-The study was limited by a limited pre-existing MS library which could only match with 3% of findings.

In a short conclusion: Biochemical Skin Surface Properties are the result of the interaction with the environment determined by microbes and cosmetics !
The "LIMITATIONS" show that this is only the beginning of the exploration of a fundamental understanding of the biochemical properties of the skin.

-What is interesting is that the possibility to control environmental factors (or not) is important in determining the biochemical properties of the skin and in the end its appearance (pathological or not).
-One of the environmental factors we can control is the cosmetics and topicals that we apply on the skin. (Apparently washing does NOT remove them !)
-Understanding skin diseases might be greatly advanced by the understanding of its molecular properties.


Original article: http://www.tinyurl.com/nkj66kg
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Re: Skin Surface Properties & the interplay with the Environ

Postby JHS » Mon May 18, 2015 10:00 am

6. 400 body sites screened for bacteria and chemicals. Cosmetic ingredients first line / Bienvenue sur la planète peau !

This is indeed a"root paper" opening a new dimension in collecting big data on specific sites of human skin.
It is likely that within a few years such approaches will have clinical relevance, and probable sooner, be a standard in pharmaco-toxicology of the skin
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When will the next Skin Cancer occur ? (NMSC)

Postby CFH » Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:49 pm

Page 4: http://dermatologicahelvetica.com/en/ar ... clesID=115

Timing of subsequent new tumors in patients who present with Basal cell carcinoma or cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.Wehner MR, et al. JAMA Dermatol. 2015 Apr 1;151(4):382-8. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2014.3307.


Skin Cancers can be divided into Melanomas and Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers (NMSC).
Although Melanomas can have a dismal prognosis, the most frequent types are NMSC.

In this study patients with NMSC were recruited and a total of 1284 patients were followed for an average of around 6 years (0-to-12 years) (Prospective study)

The risk for a subsequent NMSC was substantially lower after the first lifetime NMSC
14.5% at 3 years. (if the NMSC had occured more than once, the risk was 43.9%)
40.7% at 5 years (if the NMSC had occured more than once the risk was 82%
After 10 years, the risk of developing a NMSC after one NMSC (59.6%) is the same as 2 years after a "more than one" NMSC (61.5%)

-This study suggests that patients who have an initial NMSC have a low risk of developing a second NMSC in the first three years
-In practice although regular follow-ups are needed, it might mean that surveillance can be less frequent in the first three years following treatment of the Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) or Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC).
-Nevertheless, the patients studies were from the West Coast in the US and it remains to be seen if these observations are applicable elsewhere.

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