About Dermatologica Helvetica
Dermatologica Helvetica, was created in 1989 to complete Dermatologica (Dermatology since 1991) and to enable the use of the three official languages of Switzerland in continuing medical education.
The historical context is depicted in the "editorial" of the first publication in 1987. The objectives set in the 20th century have been thoroughly conserved in the 21st century.
Dermatologica Helvetica is published 10 times a year.
In each publication there are sections of continuing medical education, professional information from the Swiss Society of Dermatology and Venereology (SGDV - SSDV) and information supplied by the industry.
1. Journal-Club. Summary of new articles selected by Professor JH Saurat from big scientific journals important in the practical understanding of skin diseases. Targeted journals always include: Nature, Nature Medicine, Science, Science Translational Medicine, The New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, The Lancet, PloS, The Journal of Clinical Investigation, Cell, The Journal of Experimental Medicine, as well as the 15 highest ranking journals according to the Journal of Citation Report.
2. Focus. In each edition, there is an update of one of the principal diseases or techniques presented by Professor JH Saurat. Concerned topics include: atopic dermatitis, acne, rosacea, hair disorders, tumors, pigmentary disorders, dermatological surgery, lasers, photoprotection, senescence and wound healing.
3 Swiss Board dermatology exam preparation (FMH). So as to standardize the essential knowledge to prepare the federal exam, learning tools for residents are prepared by one or many experts from the Swiss University Clinics. This section was created and is managed by Dr AA Navarini.
4. Peer-reviewed original work. Dermatologica Helvetica published original work according to the "peer-review" principle. So as to enhance fast publications of works coming from Swiss University Clinics as well as Doctors members of the Swiss Society of Dermatology and Venereology, articles may be published in any Swiss official language or English. This section can also include articles from other authors. Dr AA Navarini (alexander.navarini@usz.ch) is the editor of this section
5. Case Reports. The best cases presented during the annual meeting of the SGDV/SSDV are chosen. This section can also include articles from other authors.
6. Picture of the month, Terminology (in French and German). Managed by Dr M Harms.
8. Professional information
Silvia Buchler: e-mail: sgdv-ssdv@hin.ch
Message by the president of the SGDV-SSDV
News from the SSDV
News from the clinics
News from individual "canton" societies
Free communication
9. News from the industry
New techniques and pharmaceutical innovations are submitted to the editor-in-chief and are clearly separated from advertisements.
Webeditor: R Arnaout